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  • Maldoror: (Les Chants de Maldoror)

    Conte De Lautreamont, Guy Wernham


    This macabre but beautiful work, Les Chants de Maldoror, has achieved a considerable reputation as one of the earliest and most extraordinary examples of Surrealist writing.

  • 100 Poems from the Japanese

    Kenneth Rexroth


    It is remarkable that any Westerner—even so fine a poet as Kenneth Rexroth—could have captured in translation so much of the subtle essence of classic Japanese poetry: the depth of controlled passion, the austere elegance of style, the compressed richness of imagery.

  • Her

    Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Vincent McHugh


    "A surreal semi-autobiographical blackbook record of a semi-mad period of my life, in that mindless, timeless state most romantics pass through, confusing flesh madonnas with spiritual ones." This is how the author describes this extraordinary expatriate novel.

  • The Happy Birthday of Death

    Gregory Corso


    Gregory Corso has been much publicized as one of the leading literary spokesmen for the 'Beat Generation, ' together with Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William Burroughs.

  • Illuminations: Prose poems

    Arthur Rimbaud


    The definitive translation of the one of the brightest geniuses of French poetry.