Norton Critical Editions:Nineteenth-Century Literature

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  • Alice in Wonderland: A Norton Critical Edition

    Lewis Carroll, Donald J. Gray

    Third Edition


    Newly discovered letters by Lewis Carroll, an expanded selection of diary excerpts, and a wealth of new biographical materials are some of the features of this revised Norton Critical Edition.

  • Alice in Wonderland: A Norton Critical Edition

    Lewis Carroll, Donald J. Gray

    Third Edition


    Newly discovered letters by Lewis Carroll, an expanded selection of diary excerpts, and a wealth of new biographical materials are some of the features of this revised Norton Critical Edition.

  • Aurora Leigh: A Norton Critical Edition

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Margaret Reynolds

    First Edition


    This Norton Critical Edition of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s 1856 verse-novel is based on Margaret Reynolds’ variorum edition, which the British Academy awarded the 1993 Rose Mary Crawshay Prize and which is reprinted here by special arrangement with the Ohio University Press.

  • Blake's Poetry and Designs: A Norton Critical Edition

    William Blake, John E. Grant, Mary Lynn Johnson

    Second Edition


    The Second Edition of this revered Norton Critical Edition is the most comprehensive introduction to Blake’s poetry and thought available.

  • Bleak House: A Norton Critical Edition

    Charles Dickens, George Ford, Sylvere Monod

    First Edition


    This authoritative text of Bleak House was the first to be established by a comparative study of all the surviving versions of Dickens’ novel, incorporating evidence from the original manuscript and corrected proofs.