A Coast of Trees

17 January 2003

A. R. Ammons (Author)


This collection of shorter poems won the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1981.

Of this volume, the noted critic Harold Bloom has written, "A Coast of Trees represents A. R. Ammons at his strongest and most eloquent in the lyric mode. The book is an achievement fully comparable to his Uplands and Briefings. Among the poems likely to assume a permanent place in the Ammonsian (and American) canon are the majestic title lyric and 'Swells,' 'Easter Morning,' 'Keepsake,' 'Givings,' and 'Persistences.' Again Ammons has confirmed his vital continuities with the central Whitmanian tradition of our poetry, and his crucial place in that panoply."


Winner — National Book Critics Circle Award, 1981

Also By: A. R. Ammons View all by author...



140 x 208 mm • 66 pages


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