Norton Introduction to Literature

Fourteenth High School Edition

2 August 2022

Territory Rights — Worldwide including Canada, but excluding the British Commonwealth.

Kelly J. Mays (Author)


The most vibrant and flexible package for the AP® Literature course

The Fourteenth High School Edition of The Norton Introduction to Literature offers an exciting mix of contemporary and classic stories, poems, and plays that instructors love to teach. Organized by genre and theme, the book provides a flexible approach as well as tools that help foster close-reading skills and develop writing skills. An accompanying guide for students, The Norton Guide to AP® Literature: Writing & Skills, unpacks and demystifies the skills central to the course. The new edition of the anthology, the AP® guide, and the online tools that accompany the package, including adaptive InQuizitive learning modules, provide AP® Literature students and teachers with the most powerful instruction and support for the course.



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163 x 244 mm • 2208 pages



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