Intimate Relationships

Fourth Edition

1 July 2024

An inclusive look at intimacy across couples and cultures??
Understanding relationships requires that students recognize how varied the experience of intimacy can be across different age groups, income levels, cultures, and sexualities. Intimate Relationships is the most inclusive and diverse book available for the course, featuring a thoroughly updated and cutting-edge chapter on gender (Chapter 4) that discusses the rise of transgender visibility, gender nonconformity, and nonbinary gender identities.?New Experience New Perspectives videos throughout the ebook highlight the lived experiences of people with a wide variety of identities. This is a text that speaks to every student, ensuring all learners will feel a sense of belonging in the course.

Captivating, current, and personally relevant
Relationships are fascinating, and Intimate Relationships provides a current portrait of the field that every student can relate to. Although our need for intimacy is an enduring facet of human nature, our relationships are constantly evolving, reflecting the rapid pace of technological and social change in our digital world. The Fourth Edition shows students the many ways that relationships have been transforming, as well as the latest research tracking and explaining these shifts. Throughout the text, Bradbury and Karney examine highly relevant current issues, including how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted couples as a stressor and how relationship scientists are using social media to conduct research. Overall, Intimate Relationships offers a fun, approachable introduction to relationship science for today’s students.

A digital active learning experience helps students explore and apply relationship science
Intimate Relationships is available as a new Norton Illumine Ebook, featuring over 30 interactive experiences and consistent assessment opportunities that help students apply their knowledge of core concepts, reflect on their own lives, and engage with relationship research.

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193 x 236 mm • 720 pages



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