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  • Letters from Maine: Poems

    May Sarton


    In poems gathered into three sections under the titles "Letters from Maine," "A Winter Garland," and "Letters to Myself," Sarton's inspiration was a new, brief, and passionate love affair.

  • Faithful Are the Wounds: A Novel

    May Sarton


    Set in the academic world of Harvard and Cambridge, this novel dramatizes the plight of the embattled American liberal in the 1950s.

  • The Analects of Confucius

    Confucius, Simon Leys


    "This is the Confucius translation for our time."—Jonathan Mirsky, The Times [London]

  • Genesis: Translation and Commentary

    Robert Alter


    "[Here is] the Genesis for our generation and beyond."—Robert Fagles

  • The Gambler

    Fyodor Dostoevsky, Andrew MacAndrew


    Dostoevsky's short novel is told in the first person by a young man, Alexei, who is addicted to gambling.