Best Green Drinks Ever

Boost Your Juice with Protein, Antioxidants and More

6 June 2014

Katrine Van Wyk (Author)

With a Foreword by Frank Lipman


Model-turned-nutritionist Katrine van Wyk shows you how to take your veggie smoothie to the next level, by enhancing its beneifts with added protein, fiber, and superfoods like as acai and bee pollen—all to make sure your body's enjoying, truly , the best green drink ever.

Why have green drinks gone from diet trend to diet staple, with Starbucks being the latest to jump on board? Simple: drinking green alkaline vegetables balances the body, clears the skin, and lifts the spirits. Katrine van Wyk shows readers how to enhance these benefits with added protein, fiber, and superfoods such as acai and bee pollen. By taking your smoothie to the next level, you’ll find yourself satisfied more quickly, which means eating less of what you don’t need. The results will shrink inches from your hips and add a smile to your lips! From the Cococabana to the Tropical Green to the Green Kiss, all these drinks sneak a bit of green into every sip.

Also By: Katrine Van Wyk View all by author...

Also By: Frank Lipman View all by author...



152 x 229 mm • 200 pages


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