Carribeth Bliem

Carribeth Bliem earned her BS in chemistry from the University of Utah and her MS in chemistry from the University of Colorado Boulder. She is a teaching associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she brings evidence-based practices of high structure and active learning to the undergraduate classroom, both in general chemistry and physical chemistry. Her instructional goals are to provide opportunities for students to think critically about problems, work collaboratively to find solutions, and connect chemistry to daily life. When not in the classroom, she studies factors that support student learning in large-enrollment courses, including classroom design and the use of undergraduate learning assistants.

Carribeth Bliem

Carribeth Bliem earned her BS in chemistry from the University of Utah and her MS in chemistry from the University of Colorado Boulder. She is a teaching associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she brings evidence-based practices of high structure and active learning to the undergraduate classroom, both in general chemistry and physical chemistry. Her instructional goals are to provide opportunities for students to think critically about problems, work collaboratively to find solutions, and connect chemistry to daily life. When not in the classroom, she studies factors that support student learning in large-enrollment courses, including classroom design and the use of undergraduate learning assistants.

Books by Carribeth Bliem

  • Chemistry: An Atoms-Focused Approach

    Thomas R. Gilbert, Stacey Lowery Bretz, Carribeth Bliem, Anna C. Curtis, Rein V. Kirss

    Fourth Edition, Paperback, 2025

    Help your students visualize chemistry—and their role within it.