Neuroscience & Neuropsychology
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IntraConnected: MWe (Me + We) as the Integration of Self, Identity, and Belonging
Exploring the nature of how our experience of what we call “self” emerges across the lifespan.
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The Practitioner's Guide to the Science of Psychotherapy
Establishing a new, scientifically validated foundation for current psychotherapeutic practice.
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Our Anxious Selves: Neuropsychological Processes and their Enduring Influence on Who We Are
Discussing the outsized role that fear, anxiety and other distressing emotions play in forming fundamental aspects of who we are.
Client Communication and Therapeutic Response: A Workbook of Neurobiologically-informed Exercises for Sharpening Resonance
A companion guide to the author’s earlier book on the clinical applications of neurobiology.
Complex Integration of Multiple Brain Systems in Therapy
Enabling patients’ minds to change the structure of their brains.