W. Bruce Allen
W. Bruce Allen (Ph.D., Economics, Northwestern University) is Professor of Business and Public Policy at the Wharton School of Business, the University of Pennsylvania. For many years he was the Vice Dean and Director of the Wharton Graduate Division. He is an internationally recognized expert in transportation economics, and he specializes in demand theory and logistics. In addition to his duties at Wharton, Professor Allen teaches each summer in India and consults for numerous companies domestically and abroad. He has won a number of teaching awards, including the coveted Anvil Award, the highest teaching honor at Wharton since it is voted on by the students.
W. Bruce Allen
W. Bruce Allen (Ph.D., Economics, Northwestern University) is Professor of Business and Public Policy at the Wharton School of Business, the University of Pennsylvania. For many years he was the Vice Dean and Director of the Wharton Graduate Division. He is an internationally recognized expert in transportation economics, and he specializes in demand theory and logistics. In addition to his duties at Wharton, Professor Allen teaches each summer in India and consults for numerous companies domestically and abroad. He has won a number of teaching awards, including the coveted Anvil Award, the highest teaching honor at Wharton since it is voted on by the students.
Books by W. Bruce Allen
Managerial Economics: Theory, Applications, and Cases
W. Bruce Allen, Keith Weigelt, Neil A. Doherty, Edwin Mansfield
Eighth International Student Edition, Paperback, 2012
Thoroughly updated to reflect the post-crisis, global, and digital economy.