The Making of the Fittest

DNA and the Ultimate Forensic Record of Evolution

11 September 2007

Territory Rights — Worldwide including Canada, but excluding the British Commonwealth.


DNA evidence not only solves crimes—in Sean Carroll's hands it will now end the Evolution Wars.

DNA, the genetic blueprint of all creatures, is a stunningly rich and detailed record of evolution. Every change or new trait, from the gaudy colors of tropical birds to our color vision with which we admire them, is due to changes in DNA that leave a record and can be traced. Just as importantly, the DNA evidence has revealed several profound surprises about how evolution actually works.


"I recommend [The Making of the Fittest] to everybody who wants to understand more [about evolution], because it is written in such simple yet detailed language.... Quite a pleasure to read." — Ira Flatow, NPR "Science Friday"

"The rare scientist with an easygoing writing style." — Dan Vergano, USA Today

"The best refutation of intelligent design." — SEED

"An adept and wide-ranging writer." — Steve Olson, Washington Post

"A fast-paced look how DNA demonstrates the evolutionary process.... Carroll offers some provocative and convincing evidence." — Publishers Weekly

"With fervor and clarity, Carroll amasses a glut of facts to refute the twisted logic of the anti-Darwinist camp." — Josie Glausiusz, Discover


Winner — Phi Beta Kappa Award in Science, 2007

Also By: Sean B. Carroll View all by author...



140 x 211 mm • 304 pages


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