"Bernard has written a gorgeous, tough, haunting book."—Frank Bidart
April Bernard's idiosyncratic and profoundly emotional voice combines flights of fancy, moral sternness, and wit in broadly explorative poems—from a memoir sequence about the East Village in the 1980s, to "disheveled" sonnets of self-interrogation, to darkly comic hallucinations.
Also By: April Bernard ![View all by author...](/assets/more-73711e027085023b2d65a77ebc314b87438fc50a750a125157afde698a3fc70a.png)
April Bernard
E Book, 2012
"In Romanticism, the untrammeled Romantic in us struggles for expression in Art. The winner-no question-is the reader."—New Haven Review
April Bernard
Paperback, 2011
"In Romanticism, the untrammeled Romantic in us struggles for expression in Art. The winner-no question-is the reader."—New Haven Review
April Bernard
Hardback, 2009
A new collection from “a poet of obvious gifts and power and ambition, unsparing and brilliant” (W. S. Merwin).
April Bernard
Paperback, 2008
April Bernard
Paperback, 1995
Moving easily between high and low diction, evoking at once the language of the King James Bible and the sharp psalms of Bertolt Brecht, these lyrics offer a spirituality rooted in the daunting...