The Therapist's Treasure Chest
Solution-Oriented Tips and Tricks for Everyday Practice
11 March 2014
A trove of ready-to-use, solution-focused therapy techniques for work with children, adults, and families.
Seasoned practitioners Andrea and Filip Caby introduce the foundational principles of solution-focused therapy, followed by an overview of therapeutic questioning techniques, both basic and advanced, and key advice on how to productively lead a therapeutic conversation. The third part of the Treasure Chest presents specific indications and interventions—hundreds of tried and tested approaches that have proven effective for symptoms and disorders from severe trauma to thumb-sucking, depression and anxiety to eating disorders. Each intervention includes an explanation of the theoretical background from which it has emerged, a practical guide to applying it with clients, and a section of helpful notes, advice, suggested settings, case examples, and contraindications.
"[T]he resources [Caby] describe are absolute gems . . . . [I]t feels like you have been blessed with the opportunity to sit with two master practitioners of the art of SFBT for a couple of hours and talk about their observations, ideas and specific suggestions for how to handle this clinical situation or that. . . . [A] remarkable, somewhat playful, well-written and engaging book that will be of immediate use to both new and more seasoned therapists. . . . [A] book that will inspire the counsellors who read it." — British Journal of Guidance & Counselling
"[R]eaching for The Therapist’s Treasure Chest can provide the right fresh ingredients to fuel your therapeutic creativity. . . . [T]he overall format and each topic’s brevity make the book a good quick reference guide for different therapeutic approaches to common issues." — PsychCentral
"[A] valuable resource for therapists working with children and families. The interventions in this book are both creative and practical. The format makes it easy for readers to search for solutions to specific issues or browse through interventions to use in their practice." — United States Association for Body Psychotherapy
"This is a book that you will read, reread, and consult, not only when you are stuck as to what to do with a given client, but also for its pragmatic and common sense interventions. . . . Why not give yourself a give – buy this book, study it, and let it expand your skill set. It’s not every day that treasures are so easily obtained!" — The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter
"[A] wonderful collection of guidelines perfect for any practicing therapist." — Midwest Book Review
"This book is a therapist’s gold mine! Andrea and Filip Caby provide a plethora of creative and effective therapeutic tools and strategies designed to empower clients to rapidly break free from the clutches of their difficulties and soar in their lives. The Therapist’s Treasure Chest is a valuable contribution to the brief therapy literature." — Matthew D. Selekman, MSW, Director, Partners for Collaborative Solutions, Evanston, IL; author of The Adolescent and Young Adult Self-Harming Treatment Manual
"Presenting ideas and methods for immediate use in practice, this book not only helps readers connect with clients in therapy but also educates them on the philosophy and theory of therapeutic practice. By reading it you will gain an abundance of lovely ideas for your therapeutic session and a deeper understanding of the underpinnings of modern child and family therapy." — Ben Furman, Psychiatrist and Director, Helsinki Brief Therapy Institute
"Comprehensive, clear, wonderfully organized, and filled with illustrative case reports, The Therapist's Treasure Chest offers gems that will empower the practice of psychotherapy regardless of a clinician's theoretical predilection or level of experience. In a thoughtful, easy-to-read, easy-to-understand fashion, the Cabys outline how and when to apply a wealth of practical methods." — Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD, Founder and Director, The Milton H. Erickson Foundation
"This eminently useful and inspiring book belongs on the desk of every mental health practitioner and clinical supervisor working with children, adolescents, and families! With a wealth of clear, well-designed, and practical therapeutic interventions optimally organized for busy practitioners and supervisors to immediately apply to their work, this is a resource that therapists at all levels of experience will appreciate and return to again and again." — Yvonne Dolan, MA, Director, The Institute for Solution-Focused Therapy