The 8 Keys to End Bullying Activity Book Companion Guide for Parents & Educators
22 November 2016
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A leader’s manual, with helpful tools, tips and background information, for adults guiding kids and students through the anti-bullying lessons of The 8 Keys to End Bullying Activity Book for Kids & Tweens.
The 8-12 age range marks a critical window of time in the social and emotional development of kids, one in which adults are still highly influential. The 8 Keys to End Bullying Activity Book Companion Guide for Parents & Educators, enhances the role of parents and educators in helping young people navigate challenging social dynamics and overcome bullying. As a “leader’s manual” for The 8 Keys to End Bullying Activity Book for Kids & Tweens, it provides helpful guidelines and vital background information for leading kids and students through each of the activities and lessons.