Essentials of Geology
Seventh Edition
12 August 2022
Territory Rights — Worldwide.
Marshak geology meets active, virtual learning.
Digital Teaching and Learning Tools
Guided Learning Explorations
Guided Learning Explorations coach students through three stages: foundational concept questions; applied questions featuring geologic data, video and animation clips, and interactive simulations; and exploratory questions that have students interpret real-world sites in Google Earth.
Smartwork5 online assessment tool
The most intuitive assessment system in physical geology, Smartwork5 relies on proven content authored by people who actually teach the course. All of our questions are written by GEO 101 instructors. And instructors were involved in every step of the system design process.
• Visual questions like ranking, sorting, and labeling questions that give students the opportunity to interact with the book’s art and “What A Geologist Sees” images. These questions ask students to sort evidence, rank steps in processes, label geologic features, and ultimately, demonstrate understanding.
• Video questions ask students to watch and analyze Marshak’s Narrative Art and Real-World Videos.
• Animation and Simulation questions ask students to manipulate simulations and relate what they see in our signature animations to broader ideas in the course.
• Conceptual questions test student understanding of all of the Learning Objectives in the text.
• Reading Quizzes help instructors hold students accountable for coming to class prepared. These quiz questions do not have answer-specific feedback.
• Geotours questions (that match the questions in the Geotours Workbook), allow instructors to incorporate Google Earth activities into their assignments. These questions do not have answer-specific feedback.
Norton enhanced eBook
Norton eBooks give students and instructors an enhanced reading experience at a fraction of the cost of a print textbook. Students are able to have an active reading experience and can take notes, bookmark, search, highlight, and even read offline. As an instructor, you can even add your own notes for students to see as they read the text. Norton eBooks can be viewed on—and synced among—all computers and mobile devices.
Interactive Instructor's Guide
A searchable, dynamic instructor site contains all of our support materials. All of the videos, animations, simulations, in-class activity ideas, lecture slides, current event update slides, and art slides are now sortable and searchable. The IIG includes:
• Lecture PowerPoint slides
• Image Files: PowerPoint slides; JPEGS (labeled and unlabeled)
• Animations and simulations with descriptions and discussion questions
• Videos (Marshak’s Narrative Art and Real-World) with descriptions and discussion questions
• Activity ideas
• Answers to end-of-chapter questions
• Chapter summaries