In this “lyrical debut” (O, The Oprah Magazine), a world-class soprano seeks to reclaim her voice from a curse that winds through her family tree.
When Lulu was a child, her grandmother Ada filled her head with fables of the family’s enchanted history in the Polish countryside. Each mother in their family has been given a daughter but each daughter has exacted an essential cost from her mother.
Adrienne Celt infuses The Daughters with the spirit of the rusalka, a bewitching figure of Polish mythology that inspired Dvorák’s classic opera. A tapestry of secrets, affairs and unimaginable sacrifices, it reveals a family legacy laced with the resonant ancestral lore that binds each mother to the one who came before.
"Written in a dreamy, mystical key... Celt’s novel acknowledges the radical shift of motherhood on a lusty, dark note." — The Guardian