"All books by Adrienne"

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  • Gimmick I: Français Parlé


    Paperback, 1977

    "I wish I had a book such as the Gimmick when I was living in France."—Henry Miller
  • Gimmick I: Gesprochenes Deutsch

    Adrienne, Michèle Travernier, Wanda Bortel, Ursel Ba¨hl

    Paperback, 1977

    “To speak or not to speak? That is the Gimmick!” —Françoise Sagan
  • Gimmick I: Italiano Parlato


    Paperback, 1984

    Perhaps I should begin with what a Gimmick is not. It is not a serious scholarly book. It IS the answer to your problems in speaking and understanding Italian - a method of acquiring an...
  • Espanol Hablado

    Adrienne, Catherine Audousset

    Paperback, 1994

    The internationally famous—and totally uncensored—book that helps you say what you mean and get what you want in any situation.
  • Spanish in 32 Lessons


    Paperback, 1995

    “Beginners aren’t imbeciles! The boring repetition of inane exercises in ‘modern’ methods is an insult to the intelligence.” —Adrienne
  • Italian in 32 Lessons


    Paperback, 1996

    A rapid and practical way for tourists, students, and businesspeople to master the basics of Italian and begin speaking the language.
  • German in 32 Lessons


    Paperback, 1997

    Here is the third in Norton's colorful reissues of Adrienne's popular guides to learning languages.
  • Fast French


    Paperback, 1998

    The author of the popular Gimmick series offers a basic teaching tool for people who need to learn the rudiments of French in a hurry.
  • Français Parlé


    Paperback, 1999

    "I wish I had had a book such as the Gimmick when I was living in France."—Henry Miller
  • Italiano Parlato

    Adrienne, Teresa Powell-Smith Bonvecchiato

    Paperback, 1999

    Every language has a basic vocabulary of similar words and expressions. Adrienne's acclaimed "Gimmick" approach offers both the beginner and the seasoned traveler a fast and effective route to this...