Architecture & Design
Measured Drawings of 18th Century American Furniture
A carefully detailed guide to fine eighteenth century American furniture.
Shop Drawings of Shaker Iron and Tinware
Provides diagrams for making Shaker door latches, hinges, handrails, shovels, candlesticks, ladles, choppers, stoves, teapots, syrup jugs, dippers, lamp fillers, shaving mugs, scoops, candle sconces, and dustpans.
Your House, Your Garden: A Foolproof Approach to Garden Design
A breakthrough in inspiring yet practical do-it-yourself garden and landscape design, including dozens of detailed plans.
Bridges: The Spans of North America
Revised Edition
Whether built of stone, brick, wood, iron, steel, or concrete, bridges have captivated our imaginations more than any other man-made structures.
Louis Sullivan: Prophet of Modern Architecture
Revised Edition
The best introduction to the work of one of America's most famous architects.