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  • New Federalist Papers: Essays in Defense of the Constitution

    Alan Brinkley, Nelson W. Polsby, Kathleen M. Sullivan


    Three prominent and highly visible writers confront the threats posed by current challenges to the American Constitution.

  • Boomerang: Health Care Reform and the Turn against Government

    Theda Skocpol


    How did the debate on health reform turn into the most concerted attack on government in recent American history?

  • At a Century's Ending: Reflections, 1982-1995

    George F. Kennan


    “Thoughtful critiques of many of the major issues confronting American foreign policymakers in the 1980s and early ‘90s. . . .Kennan’s voice is unique, tempered by three decades of life in Stalinist Europe and informed by a deep, unmatched knowledge of Russia’s people and history.” —Matthew DallekBoston Book Review

  • American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword

    Seymour Martin Lipset


    Is America unique? One of our major political analysts explores the deeply held but often inarticulated beliefs that shape the American creed.

  • Fidel Castro

    Robert E. Quirk


    In this masterly biography, the prize-winning historian Robert E. Quirk paints a portrait of the charismatic leader who for more than three decades—and over eight American presidencies—managed to sustain a communist regime in the western hemisphere.