Norton Critical Editions:Modern and Contemporary Literature

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  • The Good Soldier: A Norton Critical Edition

    Ford Madox Ford, Martin Stannard

    Second Edition


    Heralded by Graham Greene as “one of the finest novels of our century,” Ford Madox Ford’s 1915 modernist masterpiece of passion and deceit is now available in a revised and expanded Norton Critical Edition.

  • The Feminine Mystique: A Norton Critical Edition

    Betty Friedan, Kirsten Fermaglich, Lisa Fine

    First Edition


    The first student edition of Betty Friedan’s national best seller published in honor of its fiftieth anniversary. The Feminine Mystique forever changed America’s consciousness by defining “the problem that has no name.”

  • Far from the Madding Crowd: A Norton Critical Edition

    Thomas Hardy, Robert C. Schweik

    First Edition


    This Norton Critical Edition is based on the 1912 Wessex edition, emended to correct errors which have crept into the text from the manuscript onward.

  • Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Norton Critical Edition

    Thomas Hardy, Scott Elledge

    Third Edition


    This Third Edition of Tess of the D'Urbervilles introduces the highly praised 1983 Clarendon text edited by Juliet Grindle and Simon Gatrell.

  • The Return of the Native: A Norton Critical Edition

    Thomas Hardy, Phillip Mallett

    Second Edition


    This Second Edition reprints the text of the authoritative 1912 Macmillan Wessex Edition.