Architecture & Design

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  • American Architecture: An Illustrated Encyclopedia

    Cyril M. Harris


    Since the Spanish established their first settlement in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565, America has been an architectural melting pot, reflecting the contributions of every immigrant group that brought its traditions across the sea and adapted them to the places where they settled.

  • Principles of Three-Dimensional Computer Animation

    Michael O'Rourke

    Third Edition


    An authoritative introduction and guide to the latest developments in animation technology.

  • User-Responsive Design: Reducing the Risk of Failure

    C. Thomas Mitchell


    User-Responsive Design will help you avoid unsatisfied clients by showing how to meaningfully consider the needs of building users throughout the design process.

  • Interior Landscapes: Horticulture and Design

    Jerome Malitz, Seth Malitz


    A complete guide to designing, constructing, and maintaining eye-catching interior landscapes.

  • Redesigning the American Dream: The Future of Housing, Work and Family Life

    Dolores Hayden


    Winner of the National Endowment for the Arts Award for Excellence in Design Research, the Paul Davidoff Award for an Outstanding Book in Urban Planning, the Vesta Award for Feminist Scholarship in the Arts, and an ALA Notable Book Award: a provocative critique of how American housing patterns impact private and public life.