Prelude and Transfiguration from Tristan and Isolde
An original concept: in one volume, a study-size score of a major musical work, and a comprehensive body of tools for the study of that work.
Romantic Music: A History of Musical Style in Nineteenth-Century Europe
In this volume of the Norton Introduction to Music History series, Leon Plantinga explores the origins of Romanticism, leading the reader through the maze of genres and genuses that proliferated during the turbulent nineteenth century.
Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis: Form and Content in Tonal Music
This book is intended to serve as a basic textbook on Schenkerian analysis, the analytical approach developed over a period of many years by the Austrian music theorist Heinrich Schenker (1868-1935).
Music Notation in the Twentieth Century: A Practical Guidebook
Stone is undoubtedly one of the world's leading authorities on contemporary music notation and its problems. As head of the Index of New Musical...
Introduction to Contemporary Music
Second Edition
Biographical and historical data and clear technical explanations are featured in a guide to the appreciation of twentieth-century music that includes a full discussion of trends since 1961, a dictionary of composers, and a concentrated review of musical concepts.