
Adrienne is the author of The Gimmick Series language books for Spanish, French, German, and Italian.


Adrienne is the author of The Gimmick Series language books for Spanish, French, German, and Italian.

Books by Adrienne

  • Adrienne Rich: Poetry and Prose: A Norton Critical Edition

    Adrienne Rich, Barbara Charlesworth Gelpi, Albert Gelpi, Brett C. Millier

    Second Edition, Paperback, 2018

    This Norton Critical Edition brings research into this beloved poet’s body of work completely up to date.
  • Gimmick I: Français Parlé


    Paperback, 1977

    "I wish I had a book such as the Gimmick when I was living in France."—Henry Miller
  • Gimmick I: Gesprochenes Deutsch

    Adrienne, Michèle Travernier, Wanda Bortel, Ursel Ba¨hl

    Paperback, 1977

    “To speak or not to speak? That is the Gimmick!” —Françoise Sagan
  • Gimmick I: Italiano Parlato


    Paperback, 1984

    Perhaps I should begin with what a Gimmick is not. It is not a serious scholarly book. It IS the answer to your problems in speaking and understanding Italian - a method of acquiring an...
  • Espanol Hablado

    Adrienne, Catherine Audousset

    Paperback, 1994

    The internationally famous—and totally uncensored—book that helps you say what you mean and get what you want in any situation.
  • Spanish in 32 Lessons


    Paperback, 1995

    “Beginners aren’t imbeciles! The boring repetition of inane exercises in ‘modern’ methods is an insult to the intelligence.” —Adrienne
  • Italian in 32 Lessons


    Paperback, 1996

    A rapid and practical way for tourists, students, and businesspeople to master the basics of Italian and begin speaking the language.
  • German in 32 Lessons


    Paperback, 1997

    Here is the third in Norton's colorful reissues of Adrienne's popular guides to learning languages.
  • Fast French


    Paperback, 1998

    The author of the popular Gimmick series offers a basic teaching tool for people who need to learn the rudiments of French in a hurry.
  • Français Parlé


    Paperback, 1999

    "I wish I had had a book such as the Gimmick when I was living in France."—Henry Miller