Trauma and the Body
A Sensorimotor Approach to Psychotherapy
17 October 2006
Territory Rights — Worldwide.
The body, for a host of reasons, has been left out of the "talking cure."
Psychotherapists who have been trained in models of psychodynamic, psychoanalytic, or cognitive therapeutic approaches are skilled at listening to the language and affect of the client. They track the clients' associations, fantasies, and signs of psychic conflict, distress, and defenses. Yet while the majority of therapists are trained to notice the appearance and even the movements of the client's body, thoughtful engagement with the client's embodied experience has remained peripheral to traditional therapeutic interventions. Trauma and the Body is a detailed review of research in neuroscience, trauma, dissociation, and attachment theory that points to the need for an integrative mind-body approach to trauma. The premise of this book is that, by adding body-oriented interventions to their repertoire, traditionally trained therapists can increase the depth and efficacy of their clinical work. Sensorimotor psychotherapy is an approach that builds on traditional psychotherapeutic understanding but includes the body as central in the therapeutic field of awareness, using observational skills, theories, and interventions not usually practiced in psychodynamic psychotherapy. By synthesizing bottom-up and top down interventions, the authors combine the best of both worlds to help chronically traumatized clients find resolution and meaning in their lives and develop a new, somatically integrated sense of self.
Topics addressed include: Cognitive, emotional, and sensorimotor dimensions of information processing • modulating arousal • dyadic regulation and the body • the orienting response • defensive subsystems • adaptation and action systems • treatment principles • skills for working with the body in present time • developing somatic resources for stabilization • processing
"I strongly recommend this fascinating and essential reading...it offers
clinicians of all orientations a variety of psychosomatic treatment
strategies." — Julia Mueller, Journal of Psychosomatic Research
"This book will be read and valued by researchers and clinicians alike, as well as academics and those who already practice body-oriented psychotherapies. This is a rare achievement. . . . [H]ighly recommended." — PsycCritiques
"[A]n exemplary collaboration within the village of traumatology….[G]rounded in the whole body of knowledge available to us about trauma….They also offer explanations of new concepts in clear language and couple the technical information with familiar ideas….Although clinicians in particular, will benefit from reading this book, it also will interest clients, researchers, and other mental health professionals….I highly recommend studying this book at a leisurely pace that allows for an integration of all that it offers." — Clinical Social Work Journal
"[A] significant addition to the literature on…mind-body medicine….[T]his sensible, respectful, non-anthologizing, step-by-step approach helps people create balance in their lives." — Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Also By: Pat Ogden 

Pat Ogden
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Paperback, 2021
A concise guide to this groundbreaking somatic–cognitive approach to PTSD and attachment disturbances treatment.

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E Book, 2021
A concise guide to this groundbreaking somatic–cognitive approach to PTSD and attachment disturbances treatment.

Pat Ogden, Janina Fisher
Hardback, 2015
A book for clinicians and clients to use together that explains key concepts of body psychotherapy.

Pat Ogden, Janina Fisher
E Book, 2015
A book for clinicians and clients to use together that explains key concepts of body psychotherapy.
Also By: Clare Pain 

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The Final book in a series of quick-reference, multimedia guides to key skills all therapists need to know.

Clare Pain, Molyn Leszcz, Jon Hunter, Paula Ravitz, Robert Maunder, Paula Ravitz, Robert Maunder
E Book, 2015
The Final book in a series of quick-reference, multimedia guides to key skills all therapists need to know.
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Also By: Bessel van der Kolk 

Sebern F. Fisher, Bessel van der Kolk
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The celebrated text on working with the circuitry of the brain to restore emotional health—with a new preface from the author.

Paul Frewen, Ruth Lanius, Bessel van der Kolk, David Spiegel
Hardback, 2015
A neurobiological explanation of self-awareness and the states of mind of severely traumatized people.
Paul Frewen, Ruth Lanius, Bessel van der Kolk, David Spiegel
E Book, 2015
A neurobiological explanation of self-awareness and the states of mind of severely traumatized people.

Sebern F. Fisher, Bessel van der Kolk
10th Anniversary Edition, E Book, 2014
The celebrated text on working with the circuitry of the brain to restore emotional health—with a new preface from the author.