Twelfth Night
A Norton Critical Edition
First Edition
1 March 2024
Territory Rights — Worldwide.
This Norton Critical Edition includes:
- The First Folio (1623) text of Twelfth Night, with annotations and marginal glosses.
- Natasha Korda’s expert introduction and list of textual edits made to the Folio text for this edition.
- “Intertexts,” a rich selection of ancient and Renaissance works in conversation with Twelfth Night’s themes of disguised identity, gender fluidity, and fictive letter-writing.
- Nine illustrations, ranging from a painting alluded to in the text to photographs from modern stagings.
- Twenty-three critical interpretations of and responses to the play, tracing its reception and critical history from early performances to modern adaptations.
- “Adaptations and Appropriations” and “Interviews,” sections that explore the play’s various re-imaginings.
- A selected bibliography and filmography.