The True and Only Heaven
Progress and Its Critics
12 August 1992
"A major and challenging work. . . . Provocative, and certain to be controversial. . . . Will add important new dimension to the continuing debate on the decline of liberalism." —William Julius Wilson, New York Times Book Review
"A profound and intellectually honest work of breathtaking historical scope that could easily set the terms of political debate in a post-cold-war world in which the ideologies of right and left seem totally exhausted. . . . A cleareyed study of our usable past." — Kirkus Reviews
"Powerful and moving. . . . A magisterial synthesis." — Michael Stern, San Francisco Chronicle
"Christopher Lasch has written a great book about the most important things. As a major contribution to public discourse, The True and Only Heaven will be at the center of discussion for years to come." — Robert Bellah, coauthor of Habits of the Heart