The Golden Age
Poems of the Spanish Renaissance
"Edith Grossman again demonstrates that she indeed is the Glenn Gould of translators."—Harold Bloom
Celebrating the Spanish Renaissance's greatest poems and offering a new appreciation of Spain's "Golden Age, " Edith Grossman turns her passionate fervor and stylistic brilliance to the works of Jorge Manrique; Garcilaso de la Vega, a soldier and courtier who wrote love poetry; Fray Luis de León, a converso Jew; San Juan de la Cruz, whose poems are the finest exemplars of Christian mysticism; Luis de Góngora, a great sensualist; Lope de Vega, Cervantes' rival; Francisco de Quevedo, the ultimate Baroque poet; and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the nun whose haunting poetry embodied the voice of Mexico. Through these glorious voices, presented in facing-page Spanish and English, The Golden Age offers a new way to connect with the literary heritage of the Spanish-speaking world.
Also By: Edith Grossman 
Juana Inés de la Cruz, Anna More, Edith Grossman
First Edition, E Book, 2021
“Her language is a lesson in speaking to the moment and to the centuries both, and Edith Grossman captures its suggestiveness with a calm elegance.”—Alberto Ríos, author of The Smallest Muscle in...

Juana Inés de la Cruz, Anna More, Edith Grossman
First Edition, Paperback, 2016
“Her language is a lesson in speaking to the moment and to the centuries both, and Edith Grossman captures its suggestiveness with a calm elegance.”—Alberto Ríos, author of The Smallest Muscle in...

Juana Inés de la Cruz, Edith Grossman, Julia Alvarez
Paperback, 2016
Latin America's great poet rendered into English by the world's most celebrated translator of Spanish-language literature.

Juana Inés de la Cruz, Edith Grossman, Julia Alvarez
Hardback, 2014
Latin America's great poet rendered into English by the world's most celebrated translator of Spanish-language literature.

Juana Inés de la Cruz, Edith Grossman, Julia Alvarez
E Book, 2014
Latin America's great poet rendered into English by the world's most celebrated translator of Spanish-language literature.
Also By: Billy Collins 

Jim Kacian, Philip Rowland, Allan Burns, Billy Collins
Paperback, 2016
The first anthology to map the full range of haiku in the English tradition.

Jim Kacian, Philip Rowland, Allan Burns, Billy Collins
Hardback, 2013
An anthology ofhaikuin English, from Ezra Pound’s early experiments to thepresent-daymasters.

Jim Kacian, Philip Rowland, Allan Burns, Billy Collins
E Book, 2013
The first anthology to map the full range of haiku in the English tradition.

Elizabeth Hun Schmidt, Elizabeth Hun Schmidt, The Library of Congress, Billy Collins
Hardback, 2010
The first anthology to gather poems by the forty-three poets laureate of the United States.

Joseph Parisi, Stephen Young, Billy Collins
Hardback, 2002
Poignant, hilarious, and brutally frank, Dear Editor reveals the personalities and untold stories behind the creation of modern poetry.