Vital Signs 2007-2008
The Trends That Are Shaping Our Future
11 September 2007
Territory Rights — Worldwide including Canada, but excluding the British Commonwealth.
The award-winning Worldwatch Institute reveals the often overlooked key trends that tell the true health of our planet.
This annual volume distills the "vital signs" of our times—which often escape the attention of the media, world leaders, and economic experts—from thousands of government, industrial, and scientific documents. It tracks the major indicators that show social, economic, and environmental progress, or the lack thereof.Vital Signs 2007-2008 presents the latest data on environmental and sustainable development topics, such as food and agriculture, energy and climate changes, economic trends, transportation and communications, health and social trends, conflict and peace. Each trend includes analysis to provide context and interconnections, plus charts and graphs to provide visual comparisons of the trends over time.