Very Good, Jeeves!
26 July 2011
Territory Rights — USA and Dependencies and the Philippines.
“To dive into a Wodehouse novel is to swim in some of the most elegantly turned phrases in the English language.”—Ben Schott
"Wodehouse is the funniest writer—that is, the most resourceful and unflagging deliverer of fun—that the human race, a glum crowd, has yet produced." — The New Yorker
"A brilliantly funny writer—perhaps the most consistently funny the English language has yet produced." — The Times [London]
"There are eleven tales in this book and each is the best." — The Observer
"Oh, how I love Wodehouse! Ever-surprising in his repetitiousness, never failing to delight, always making us safe in his breezy world. It is paradoxical that Wodehouse should give me so much comfort when he also makes me feel how mean and shabby my life is each time I emerge from one of his novels." — Hernan Diaz, The New York Times
"Wodehouse’s idyllic world can never stale. He will continue to release future generations from captivity that may be more irksome than our own. He has made a world for us to live in and delight in." — Evelyn Waugh
"You should read Wodehouse when you’re well, and when you’re poorly; when you’re travelling, and when you’re not; when you’re feeling clever, and when you’re feeling utterly dim. Wodehouse always lifts your spirits, no matter how high they happen to be already." — Lynne Truss
"You don’t analyze such sunlit perfection, you just bask in its warmth and splendor." — Stephen Fry
"The works of Wodehouse continue on their unique way, unmarked by the passage of time." — Kingsley Amis
"Sublime comic genius." — Ben Elton