Natural Disasters
First Edition
1 July 2022
Territory Rights — Worldwide.
A vibrant introduction to the science and societal impacts of disasters.
Digital Teaching and Learning Tools
Norton enhanced eBook
Norton Ebooks offer an enhanced reading experience at a fraction of the cost of a print textbook. They provide an active reading experience, enabling students to take notes, bookmark, search, highlight, and read offline. Students will also encounter dynamic features such as interactive animations and Narrative Art Videos. Instructors can even add notes that students can see as they are reading the text.
Guided Learning Explorations
Guided Learning Explorations are scaffolded activities, organized by chapter, that engage students in thinking critically about the course material, enabling them to assess for themselves the science and societal impacts of natural disasters. Level 1 reinforces understanding of underlying core science concepts. Level 2 examines the science of how a hazard develops or is evaluated by Earth scientists. And Level 3 explores a real-world disaster case study, considering the impact and possible means of mitigation. Students get feedback with every click and each level question-by-question, motivating thoughtful engagement with the material.
Videos, Animations and Simulations
These tools help students to visualise and understand geologic processes that happen on enormous scales and over long periods of time.
• Animations are multi-part, narrated explanations of geologic phenomena, often based on book art.
• Simulations allow students to change variables, such as the rate of ice flow within a glacier or the temperature of magma—and see the result.
• Narrative Art Videos, written and narrated by Stephen Marshak, bring textbook figures to life and walk students through complex processes such as the rock cycle or hydrofracking.
• Real-World Videos are curated examples of geology (and geologists) in action. Taken from many sources, NASA, the U. S. Geological Survey, and independent photojournalists, these videos help instructors show the relevance of geology in our daily lives.