The Development of the Unconscious Mind
26 April 2019
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An exploration of how the unconscious is formed and functions by one of our most renowned experts on emotion and the brain.
This book traces the evolution of the concept of the unconscious from an intangible, metapsychological abstraction to a psychoneurobiological function of a tangible brain. An integration of current findings in the neurobiological and developmental sciences offers a deeper understanding of the dynamic mechanisms of the unconscious. The relevance of this reformulation to clinical work is a central theme of Shore's other new book, Right Brain Psychotherapy.
Also By: Allan Schore
Daniel J. Siegel, Allan Schore, Louis Cozolino
Paperback, 2021
An edited collection from some of the most influential writers in mental health.
Daniel J. Siegel, Allan Schore, Louis Cozolino
E Book, 2021
An edited collection from some of the most influential writers in mental health.
Allan Schore
Hardback, 2019
The latest groundbreaking, interdisciplinary work from one of our most eloquent and significant writers about emotion and the brain.
Allan Schore
E Book, 2019
The latest groundbreaking, interdisciplinary work from one of our most eloquent and significant writers about emotion and the brain.
Daniel Hill, Allan Schore
Hardback, 2015
The rich, complex theory of affect regulation boiled down into a clinically useful guide.