Historic Preservation, Third Edition

An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice

Third Edition

14 October 2019

Territory Rights — Worldwide.

Norman Tyler (Author), Ilene R. Tyler (Author), Ted J. Ligibel (Author)


This classic text covers the gamut of preservation issues in layman’s language.

Historic preservation, which started as a grassroots movement, now represents the cutting edge in a cultural revolution focused on “green” architecture and sustainability. This book provides comprehensive coverage of the many facets of historic preservation: the philosophy and history of the movement, the role of government, the documentation and designation of historic properties, sensitive architectural designs and planning, preservation technology, and heritage tourism, plus a survey of architectural styles.

An ideal introduction to the field for students, historians, preservationists, property owners, local officials, and community leaders, this thoroughly revised edition addresses new subjects, including heritage tourism and partnering with the environmental community. It also includes updated case studies to reflect the most important historic preservation issues of today; and brings the conversation into the twenty-first century.


"Comprehensively updated and revised. . . . [S]harp, concise, and readable. " — American Planning Association Book Reviews

"Historic Preservation is a book that, in being named after its subject, invites high expectations and meets them all." — Civil Engineering

"[A] thorough introduction to the sometimes complicated subject of historic preservation….clear and concise…Current with today’s issues." — The New England Antiques Journal

"[I]ndispensable….the authors and the book’s editorial advisors accomplish what no others have to date. This is the intellectually accessible basic textbook—that Preservation 101 we all have been seeking. It is useful as a basic reader in the undergraduate classroom, serves as a quick reference for graduate students…and provides information for professionals in foreign countries on how preservation is practiced in the United States. It can also be dipped into as needed by preservation volunteers who, after all, form the backbone of American preservation on a community level." — Preservation Education & Research

"[A]n essential resource that should be in the library of any preservationist." — Tim Cannan, President, PreservationDirectory.com

"This book is recommended to students, planners, and citizens interested in the preservation and protection of our local, regional, and national patrimony." — Colonial Latin American Historical Review

"[T]he classic textbook for the field." — Old Mill News

"[D]eserves a place in the home of anyone interested in the activities of preservation….If we could have only one book on the practice of historic preservation, this may well be that book." — Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation

"…an impressive textbook…As someone who teaches historic preservation theory to architects, I am looking forward to using Historic Preservation as one of my textbooks next year. I will also recommend this book to anyone interested in historic preservation. Local government officials, historic district commissioners and even owners of historic buildings can all benefit from reading this book." — Paul Hardin Kapp, Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society

Also By: Norman Tyler View all by author...



183 x 236 mm • 416 pages


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