Bertram Goodhue

His Life and Residential Architecture

15 May 2007

Romy Wyllie (Author)


An architect of exceptional vision, whose work is still relevant today, Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue (1869-1924) died at a crucial moment, when he was severing his ties to traditionalism and establishing himself as the leader of a new architectural style.

This book enlarges our understanding of Goodhue, neither fully researched nor justly appreciated until now, by examining his residential designs within the framework of his better-known ecclesiastical and secular projects. At the same time it takes a closer look at the man behind the drawing board. Covered here are twenty built and six unbuilt houses that provide new insight into the evolution of Goodhue's architecture during the 33-year period of his remarkable career. Although these projects made up only a small portion of his total work, they are rich in architectural expression. Though time has brought unavoidable changes to the buildings, Goodhue's legacy lives on. Philip Johnson has called Goodhue "America's leading architect of his day," and this book demonstrates clearly Goodhue's role in the modern movement and the place he merits in the history of architecture.


"Beautifully produced, superbly illustrated, carefully researched, convincgly argued, and gracefully written." — R. W. Liscombe, University of British Columbia, Choice

"[A] superb look at the man as well as the work." — Ben Pleasants, dogmatika

"[A]n engaging and well researched investigation...[A] deft portrait of both the man and the artist." — Pamela Skewes-Cox, Eden: Journal of the California Garden & Landscape History Society

"[A] splendid...sympathetic biography of one of America’s greatest architects and a thorough account of Goodhue’s non-ecclesiastical buildings." — Journal of Stained Glass

"A singular synthesis...[L]avishly illustrated." — Stephen A. Kliment, FAIA, Oculus

"A principal her deep research and her ability to create a compelling portrait from thousands of historical fragments." — Anthony Denzer, Southern California Quarterly

"[A] full picture of Goodhue the man, lacking in the previous monograph by Richard Oliver (1983)." — Andrew Saint, The Victorian



229 x 274 mm • 224 pages


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