Orchid Muse
A History of Obsession in Fifteen Flowers
3 February 2023
Fifteen stories of obsession starring these dazzling flowers, enhanced by radiant four-colour art
"[Orchid Muse] combines cultural advice with historical information… The easy style makes it a pleasure to read with the added benefit of gaining new knowledge.”" — Clare Hermans, RHS Orchid Review
"An entertaining romp through the history of human adventures with orchids." — Dominique Browning, The Wall Street Journal
"If flowers are how plants have sex, orchids are the sexiest “harlot-nymphs” of them all, as Erica Hannickel reveals in this delightful and exquisitely explicit ode to orchidelirium." — Adam Leith Gollner, author of "The Fruit Hunters"
"A fascinating survey of one of the world’s most intriguing (and provocative!) blooms, complete with lush illustrations. This book is an enchanting read for any gardener, house plant enthusiast, or history lover." — Jessica Roux, author of "Floriography"
"A fun fascinating romp through the history of the world’s favorite flower." — Bruce Rogers, author of "The Orchid Whisperer"
"[A] beautifully produced book... Orchid Muse is a learned and interestingly hybrid text: part essay collection and part handbook... the tightly written and well-digested histories expand its utility beyond the how-to-guide." — Cal Flyn, Prospect
Longlisted — PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award, 2023
Winner — Council on Botanical and Horticultural Libraries Literature Award, 2023