A Biography of Benjamin Franklin, Scientist
3 December 2024
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The dramatic story of an ingenious man who explained nature and created a country
Benjamin Franklin was one of the preeminent scientists of his time. Driven by curiosity, he conducted cutting-edge research on electricity, heat, ocean currents, weather patterns, chemical bonds, and plants. But today, Franklin is remembered more for his political prowess and diplomatic achievements than his scientific creativity.
In Ingenious, Richard Munson recovers this vital part of Franklin’s story, reveals his modern relevance and offers a compelling portrait of a shrewd experimenter, clever innovator and visionary physicist whose fame opened doors to negotiate French support and funding for American independence. Munson’s riveting narrative explores how science underpins Franklin’s entire story—from tradesman to inventor to nation-founder.
"[F]ascinating and revealing... Munson's biography is concise but comprehensive, a highly readable epic in 210 pages, no mean feat given all Franklin saw and did in his 84 years. " — The Guardian