"All books by Henry Herz"

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  • I Am Gravity

    Henry Herz, Mercè López

    Hardback, 2024

    What reaches everywhere and never tires? Pulling on feathers and galaxies alike? Holding the mighty Milky Way together? Gravity, of course!
  • I Am Gravity

    Henry Herz, Mercè López

    E Book

    What reaches everywhere and never tires? Pulling on feathers and galaxies alike? Holding the mighty Milky Way together? Gravity, of course!
  • I Am Smoke

    Henry Herz, Mercè López

    Hardback, 2021

    Smoke itself acts as narrator, telling us how it has served humankind since prehistoric times in signaling, beekeeping, curing and flavouring food, religious rites, fumigating insects and myriad...
  • I Am Smoke

    Henry Herz, Mercè López

    E Book, 2021

    Smoke itself acts as narrator, telling us how it has served humankind since prehistoric times in signaling, beekeeping, curing and flavouring food, religious rites, fumigating insects and myriad...