"All books by Scott D. Miller"
Working with the Problem Drinker: A Solution-Focused Approach
Paperback, 1992
A detailed program for psychotherapists—the solution-focused, brief-therapy, problem-solving method of working with problem-drinker clients.Psychotherapy with "Impossible" Cases: The Efficient Treatment of Therapy Veterans
Paperback, 1997
The Miracle Method: A Radically New Approach to Problem Drinking
Paperback, 1997
A new approach to problem drinking that focuses not on the past or the present but on the future.Escape from Babel: Toward a Unifying Language for Psychotherapy Practice
Hardback, 1997
While "psychotherapy" has been busily dividing into hundreds of different models, research shows that it doesn't really matter which approach you use. Yet there are some factors, across models,...