Current Affairs
About a Mountain
From “one of the most significant U.S. writers” (David Foster Wallace), an investigation of Yucca Mountain and human destruction in Las Vegas.
Necessary Secrets: National Security, the Media, and the Rule of Law
An intensely controversial scrutiny of American democracy’s fundamental tension between the competing imperatives of security and openness.
In the Graveyard of Empires: America's War in Afghanistan
A definitive account of the American experience in Afghanistan from the rise of the Taliban to the depths of the insurgency.
Uncommon Common Ground: Race and America's Future
Revised and Updated
With a mixed-race president, a Latino population that is now the largest minority, and steadily growing Asian and Pacific Islander populations, race is both the most dynamic facet of American identity and the defining point of American disunity.
Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation
“A compelling account . . . and a reminder that a true peace can be built only on justice.”—Desmond M. Tutu