The Fourth Dimension of a Poem: and Other Essays
A new collection of essays by the legendary literary scholar and critic.
Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature
"The first modern study of the Romantic achievement, its origins and evolution both in theory and practice."—Stuart M. Sperry, Jr., Indiana Unviersity
Birds of Paradise: A Novel
“A full-course meal, a rich, complex and memorable story that will leave you lingering gratefully at [Abu-Jaber’s] table.”—Ron Charles, Washington Post
Dawn Light: Dancing with Cranes and Other Ways to Start the Day
"It's easy to live in the moment when you're immersed in Ackerman's glorious prose." —Washington Post
Spanish in 32 Lessons
“Beginners aren’t imbeciles! The boring repetition of inane exercises in ‘modern’ methods is an insult to the intelligence.” —Adrienne