Depression & Mood Disorders
Mindful Anger: A Pathway to Emotional Freedom
How to release anger and reconnect to yourself using mindfulness techniques.
Boot Camp Therapy: Brief, Action-Oriented Clinical Approaches to Anxiety, Anger, & Depression
Incorporating brief therapy with an innovative “boot camp” approach to help clients overcome three of the most prevalent issues in therapy.
Psychotherapy Essentials to Go: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression
A quick-reference, multi-media guide to using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat depression.
Psychotherapy Essentials to Go: Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression
A quick-reference, multi-media guide to using interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) to treat depression.
Relational Suicide Assessment: Risks, Resources, and Possibilities for Safety
A relational approach to evaluating your suicidal clients.