The Norton Facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare
Based on Folios in the Folger Library Collection
3 September 1996
Territory Rights — Worldwide.
A full-size photographic facsimile of one of the essential books of English literature and culture that has won the admiration of actors and scholars throughout the world.
When it was published in 1968, The Norton Facsimile set a new standard for scholarly accuracy. It was the first facsimile in which every page had been selected from a large number of copies in an attempt to find a clean, clear example with minimal show-through. Even more important, it offered the latest, most corrected state of pages known to vary from copy to copy because of correction at press. Finally, it introduced a standard system of reference, "through line numbering", based on the lines printed in the 1623 edition rather than on the acts, scenes and lines of a modern edition. These improvements, the meticulous work of the great Folio scholar Charlton Hinman made possible by the extensive Folger Library Collection, established The Norton Facsimile as an indispensable volume for book collectors and serious readers of Shakespeare.