The Soda Bottle School
A True Story of Recycling, Teamwork, and One Crazy Idea
21 June 2019
Territory Rights — Worldwide excluding Canada.

- 2016 LIVING NOW AWARD, Books for Better LIving
- CBC Recommended
- Skipping Stones Honor Book
In a Guatemalan village, students squished into their tiny schoolhouse, two grades to a classroom.
The villagers had tried expanding the school, but the money ran out before the project was finished. No money meant no materials, and that meant no more room for the students. Then one person got a wonderful, crazy idea: Why not use soda bottles, which were readily available, to form the cores of the walls? Sometimes thinking outside the box—or inside the bottle—leads to the perfect solution.
Fountas & Pinnell Level Q
"This true story celebrates both the value of teamwork and a triumph of ingenious recycling." — Kirkus
Also By: Suzanne Slade 

Suzanne Slade, Nicole Tadgell
Paperback, 2020
Annie’s joyful exuberance and her family’s whole-hearted support leave no doubt that her dream is within her grasp. This delightful story, which includes the real-life experiences of women...

Suzanne Slade, Nicole Tadgell
Hardback, 2019
Annie’s joyful exuberance and her family’s whole-hearted support leave no doubt that her dream is within her grasp. This delightful story—with backmatter about women astronauts—encourages young...
Suzanne Slade, Nicole Tadgell
E Book, 2018
Annie’s joyful exuberance and her family’s whole-hearted support leave no doubt that her dream is within her grasp. This delightful story—with backmatter about women astronauts—encourages young...