"They Say / I Say"
Sixth Edition
5 July 2024
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The essential little book that students love for demystifying academic writing, reading, and research
Millions of students love “They Say / I Say” because it offers lively and practical advice they can use throughout their college career (and beyond). Now, students can learn how to connect their “I Say” to broader public conversations through a new chapter “In My Experience,” and they will engage more deeply with their assigned readings thanks to new co-author Laura Davies’s work on both a dynamic Norton Illumine Ebook and an energetic revision of the version with readings—making the Sixth Edition an even more useful tool for students throughout their college experience.
Millions of students love “They Say / I Say” because it offers lively and practical advice they can use throughout their college career (and beyond). Now, students can learn how to connect their “I Say” to broader public conversations through a new chapter “In My Experience,” and they will engage more deeply with their assigned readings thanks to new co-author Laura Davies’s work on both a dynamic Norton Illumine Ebook and an energetic revision of the version with readings—making the Sixth Edition an even more useful tool for students throughout their college experience.
Digital Teaching and Learning Tools
Norton Illumine Ebook
This assignable ebook creates an active and engaging reading experience with concept check questions at the end of each section.
InQuizitive for Writers
Interactive InQuizitive assignments ask students to explore writing processes and genres, practice sentence-editing, and apply good research habits—all in a low-stakes, feedback-driven environment.