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Adventures in the Louvre: How to Fall in Love with the World's Greatest Museum
A former The New York Times Paris bureau chief explores the Louvre, offering an intimate journey of discovery and revelation
Amazing Rare Things: The Art of Natural History in the Age of Discovery
Amazing Rare Things is enthralling, with elegant natural history drawings from the British Royal Collection married to beautiful prose.
America's Art Museums: A Traveler's Guide to Great Collections Large and Small
An essential companion for every art and museum lover, whether on the road or from your armchair.
American Art Deco: Modernistic Architecture and Regionalism
A lavishly illustrated survey of American Art Deco architecture.
Art Held Hostage: The Battle over the Barnes Collection
“Money, pretension, horrid behavior by cultured people” (New York) —John Anderson’s tale delivers it all in fabulously juicy detail.