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  • Once: Poems

    Meghan O'Rourke


    “The poems in Once illuminate and echo themes of loss and grief.”—Vanity Fair

  • Later Poems Selected and New: 1971–2012

    Adrienne Rich


    The final volume of poems assembled by America’s most powerful and distinctive poetic voice.

  • The Book of Men: Poems

    Dorianne Laux


    “Dorianne Laux dares to parse her life through the prism of men who’ve passed through it.” —New York Times

  • The Trouble Ball: Poems

    Martín Espada


    “[An] important work . . . inspiring its readers to greater human connection and to keep fighting the good fight.”—The Rumpus

  • Illuminations

    Arthur Rimbaud, John Ashbery


    "This may be the most beautiful book in the world, lighted from within and somehow embodying all forms of literature." —Susan Salter Reynolds, Los Angeles Times