"All books by Charles Wheelan"
Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data
Paperback, 2014
A New York Times bestseller
"Brilliant, funny…the best math teacher you never had." —San Francisco ChronicleThe Centrist Manifesto
Paperback, 2013
A vision—and detailed road map to power—for a new party that will champion America’s rational center.Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data
Hardback, 2013
The best-selling author of Naked Economics defies the odds with a book about statistics that you’ll welcome and enjoy.Naked Money: A Revealing Look at Our Financial System
Paperback, 2017
The best-selling author of Naked Statistics takes us on a romp through the colourful world of monetary policy and history.The Rationing: A Novel
Hardback, 2019
Political backstabbing, rank hypocrisy, and dastardly deception reign in this delightfully entertaining political satire, sure to lift one’s spirits far above the national stage.Introduction to Public Policy
Hardback, 2010
The first introductory public policy text with a strong economics perspective.We Came, We Saw, We Left: A Family Gap Year
Hardback, 2021
Charlie Wheelan and his family do what others dream of: They take a year off to travel the world. This is their story.Naked Money: A Revealing Look at Our Financial System
E Book, 2016
The best-selling author of Naked Statistics takes us on a romp through the colourful world of monetary policy and history.The Centrist Manifesto
E Book, 2013
A vision—and detailed road map to power—for a new party that will champion America’s rational center.We Came, We Saw, We Left: A Family Gap Year
E Book, 2021
Charlie Wheelan and his family do what others dream of: They take a year off to travel the world. This is their story.