Family Therapy
Healing Relational Trauma with Attachment-Focused Interventions: Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy with Children and Families
From the founder of DDP, this updated and comprehensive guide is the authoritative text on DDP.
Promoting Healthy Attachments: Hands-on Techniques to Use with Your Clients
Day-to-day clinical guidance on what to do with all the attachment theory you’ve learned.
The Science of Couples and Family Therapy: Behind the Scenes at the "Love Lab"
Bringing an evidence base to classic writings that opened psychotherapy up to more than one person at a time—the couple.
The Reflective Parent: How to Do Less and Relate More with Your Kids
An innovative parenting approach empowering parents to trust their instincts and embrace uncertainty.
Autism and the Family: Understanding and Supporting Parents and Siblings
Ready-to-implement resources and approaches for effective professional care in school and clinical settings.